Photographer, Lisa Lang
"I am always doing that which I cannot do,
in order that I may learn how to do it."
These words, spoken by Pablo Picasso, describe me perfectly. I am a life-long learner, a lover of poetry, a mother of five, and a wife to a man I adore. I specialize in portrait photography, and I live in Jamestown, North Dakota.
What's up with the name "Happy Mermaid?"
My daughter Hana wrote a poem entitled, "Happy as a Mermaid." It's a delightful poem--strong and magical--that captures who Hana was at age seven. Photography is like poetry. Photography is a single breath, a moment in time. Just as in poetry, good photography surges with awareness and reveals the world true.
Happy as a Mermaid
I am happy as a mermaid.
I am as fast as a tiger.
I am as strong as a rock.
I am as clever as a person.
I am as scarce as a monster.
I am as cute as a chipmunk.
I am Hana Lang.
-Hana (age 7)
2019 North Dakota Governor’s Contest Winner
2023 Best of the Best photographer, Jamestown, ND
2023 Best in Show at 59th Annual JFAA Art Show
Theme song written by my son, Isaiah Lang.