Birth and Fresh 48 Sessions
Here are some common question moms ask about birth photography:
Do you take pictures of everything?
I take pictures of everything! I do so as delicately and artistically as possible. No one sees the images but me. After editing them, I put your pictures in a secure online album. You will view the images and mark every picture “private” that you do not wish shared on social media or on my website. Your privacy is very important to me. If you have any concerns about this, please let me know.
When do you arrive at the hospital?
Notify me a soon as you go into labor. When you are dilated to 7 cm, call me again, and I will leave immediately to join you at the hospital.
What if you can't make it?
Wedding are my first priority. If I have a wedding to shoot when you go into labor, I will not be there for the birth. Otherwise, I will be in town and ready to come to you when you call.
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Fresh 48 sessions have so much energy! A baby is born. The family falls immediately in love. With fixed loyalty, grandparents, siblings, and friends arrive at the hospital to celebrate. Recording these moments is what a Fresh 48 Session is all about.
Call me as soon after the birth as you can. I will want to arrive before your family and friends.Those quiet moments are spent taking pictures of baby and parents. Then let the ruckus begin! When the family arrives, I shoot like mad.
Fresh 48 Session must take place during daylight hours. Cost $275.