What is lens compression?

The closer your camera is to the subject—the farther away the background will appear. The farther away you are from the subject the closer the background will be. 

What are wide-angle lenses not considered flattering portrait lenses?


What is a full-frame vs. crop sensor camera? What are some advantage of full frame and crop sensor cameras?

Full Frame Advantages

Generally, a broader dynamic range 

better low light/high ISO performance 

Shooting full-frame you get the benefit of a shallower depth of field. 

there is a greater variety of lenses made for full frame. 

Photographers who enjoy shooting landscapes and architecture that are suited for wider focal lengths, will definitely want to use a full frame body. If you shoot in natural and available light, you’ll also want to check out a full frame body too.

Crop Sensor Advantages

cost and weight. 

It can also be very effective for nature, wildlife and sports photography due to the extra reach gained from the crop sensor multiplier.

What is a camera’s sensor?

What is was Klein’s method of shooting? What are some of the techniques that he used that we tried out in class?

What are some drawbacks of shooting from the hip? What are some tips on how to do it better?

Find answers here: https://petapixel.com/2019/11/18/street-photography-101-shooting-from-the-hip/